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Safety First!

Our guides are mandated to give a safety talk before every hunt and we appreciate your undivided attention during this very important discussion.

The three biggest things to remember- Keep your safety catch on at all times until the birds has taken flight and is in a safe path to shoot, never shoot over the head of a fellow hunter and never shoot a low bird.  Low means your barrel was likely parallel to the ground or lower. If you shoot a low bird, your guide will firmly remind you of the danger you exposed your fellow hunters and his dog to.  If anyone ever shoots a bird off of the ground, the guide will immediately end the hunt.

Thank you in advance for respecting and properly managing the deadly capabilities of your shotgun.

Please view and share the Following Safety Video produced by the National Shooting Sports Foundation

We have always contemplated producing our own video but the folks at the NSSF did such a good job with this video that we figured we would just steal theirs.

Please copy the link from you tube and share it with all the folks you plan to join in the field this upcoming season to help the club maintain it's very successful safety record.